Aluminum Polyimide Film

Aluminum polyimide films are metalized polyimides formed by sputtering or laminating metal aluminum. These films offer excellent heat resistance, mechanical and chemical stability, and radiation resistance, making them ideal for demanding applications.

  • Conductive on the Aluminum Side
  • Excellent Heat Reflection
  • High Electrical Resistance

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Aluminum polyimide films offer high performance and exceptional high-temperature resistance. These films are insulative on one side and conductive on the other. They combine the characteristics of polyimide film, such as heat resistance, mechanical and chemical stability, radiation resistance, and self-extinguishing properties. Additionally, they provide high thermal conductivity, reflectivity, and EMI shielding, making them ideal for demanding applications.



Product Number Polyimide Film Thickness Aluminum Thickness Tensile Strength psi Elongation(%) Dielectric Strength v/mil
CGS-7659(1 mil) 1 Mil  0.004 Mil 24,000 50 6000
CGS-7659S 1 Mil  1 Mil 26,000 40 6000



Aluminum polyimide films are used in various applications, including as a first surface mirror for multilayer insulation (MLI) blankets, EMI shielding, electromagnetic shielding tape, and flexible etching wire. Thus, their versatility and high performance make them essential in these demanding uses.

Multi Layer Insulation

Satellite and Space Applications

Scientists are focusing on metalized thin films, including aluminum polyimide films, to develop new reflective materials. These advancements are crucial for enhancing space technologies. These films find wide applications as thermo-regulative coatings, light reflectors, solar energy collectors, and antennas. Thus, their versatility and high performance make them essential for cutting-edge space technologies.

wire and cable

Cable Shielding

A well-engineered cable includes many crucial independent elements. Shielding has become just as critical as other design elements. Moreover, the growing complexity of communications and control systems has increased electrical interference failures. As signals travel longer distances, interference becomes a bigger problem. Also, depending on the application, EMI, RFI, and ESI can adversely affect cables. Aluminum polyimide film acts as a shield foil, reducing signal interference effectively

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